
Widget input. ClaimWidgetConfigInputType is a type of the input

All these properties are specified in kebab-case according to the Web Components standard.

interface WidgetInput {
    distributorId: string;
    enableWalletPassthrough: boolean;
    endpoint: string;
    name: string;
    tokenDecimals: number;
    tokenSymbol: string;
    allowConnectBeforeStart?: boolean;
    cluster?: "mainnet" | "devnet";
    computePrice?: number;
    lastClaimDate?: Date;


distributorId: string = ...

Distributor ID / airdrop ID from Streamflow App.

Supports multiple IDs as a string separated by a comma ,. Multiple airdrops are usually used for a chunked distribution in case of a large number of recipients.

The supported use case is: An airdrop is chunked into several parts, and each part has the same start date; A recipient presented in a single chunk. In this scenario, a claimant (recipient) is able to see their specific allocation within one widget instance.

enableWalletPassthrough: boolean = ...

Enable wallet passthrough. Tightly coupled with WidgetPublicApi

endpoint: string = ...

RPC endpoint.

Use your own RPC endpoint that fits your needs and requirements. Default RPC used on this page is for demo purposes only and is not suitable for production.

name: string = ...

Not used internally but may be used for identification if several widgets are presented on the same page

tokenDecimals: number = ...

Token decimals. It affects UI representation of the token amount

tokenSymbol: string = ...

Token symbol. Presented in the UI

allowConnectBeforeStart?: boolean = ...

Allow connect before start. If set, then recipients are allowed to connect wallets before start and see their allocation. Disabled by default

cluster?: "mainnet" | "devnet" = ...

protocol env: mainnet | devnet

computePrice?: number = ...

Compute price, Priority fee

lastClaimDate?: Date = ...

Last claim date, hint about the potential clawback date. Example: 2024-12-12T00:00:00.000Z